Identity Mission Organization

God has officially once again, done “…immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine…” (Ephesians 3:20).  Our hope we shared recently with you, in having to begin a new organization, was simply to continue our work in Honduras.  As we sought the Lord and received an overwhelming response of love and encouragement from you all, He answered all those prayers above and beyond what we had imagined.  

Last Sunday night, during worship at a partner church in NY, He whispered IDENTITY to my heart.  All of us had been wracking our brains to find a name that truly portrayed what our work among the orphans of Honduras is all about.  God was just waiting for us to sit quietly so He could tell us His best idea!  

Identity Mission, the new non-profit organization, will envelope all the same programs we have been administering for the past nine years in Honduras: care and partnership with orphanages across the country; as well as, spreading our foster family program and working with the Honduran government in best placement of orphaned, abandoned, and at-risk children.  NEWLY applied will be that the foundation focus for all of these programs is to impart to the kids we serve that their identity is in Christ Jesus.

A massive factor of the orphans’ lives we serve is that they often even after the best education and best care feel like they don’t belong.  They were given up by their parents, may not even hold a birth certificate, or they know little details of their past.  This gives the enemy way too much room to lie to them about their identity.  It will now be our new passion to join to our past and current efforts on the mission field, the cause to be sure each and every last child KNOWS who they are in Christ Jesus.  They will know their identity lies in Him alone and in their being adopted into this huge family of believers.

I personally cannot express how excited I am and renewed in my call to the fatherless of Honduras.  I am grateful to the point of tears that Father God would let us be even more a part of His great heart for these ones He loves so dearly.  How often over the last several years has He taught Jorge and myself who we are in Christ: righteous, favored, loved, redeemed, and made brand new.  Everything was worth it for me to wake up and realize I need to impart that to the kids we long to serve well every day!

Right now, we are working diligently on all the details of Identity Mission.  We officially have an EIN number, so starting today your donations are tax-deductible!  Jorge is working on Identity website and AJ on our new logo!  But most importantly, they are all in the field still serving the children we all know and love!  To continue to run all programs, our budget starting in March will be $7,923 a month.  For now, don’t worry about designating funds for a certain program or missionary.  We want to be sure we can serve each orphanage and child as we have been, so this amount will cover all your staff, missionaries, orphanages, and babies in our current programs.  Just help us reach this goal, so we don’t have to say no to a single one of the least of these God sends our way!

All of us here at Identity can’t thank you enough for your messages of encouragement and for your continued partnership in joining with us to see the cause of Christ fulfilled in Honduras, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. “ –John 14:18.  And most of all for your prayers; they’ve been felt and so appreciated.  We love you all.  You are blessed; you are righteous; you are loved; it is our identity in Christ by His amazing Grace that won that for each of us.

By Grace,

Jorge and Tara Garcia
Founders Identity Mission